Fleur Hargreaves has been in Education for 26 years. She was born in Jersey Channel Islands. Her background is Welsh, Irish and French. Her parents came to Perth when she was 2 years old, arriving in Como. Fleur attended Como Kindergarten and Primary School and then Penrhos College. After leaving high school she spent 2 years working in Real Estate as a Commercial Property Manager and Sales, whilst she enjoyed this, working in education was always her main interest. She attended Curtin University where she studied a Bachelor of Education in Early Childhood Education. Her first teaching position was in Geraldton at Allendale PS, where she taught Pre-primary for two years, then a year 1 class at Geraldton PS. Ms Hargreaves career, took her overseas on a cultural exchange to North Carolina where she taught Kindergarten for 3 years in a military town. After attending a job fair, she was selected to teach year 2 at Ft Myers Charter School. During her time in the USA she travelled extensively with family through the US and overseas and came home each Australian winter to see friends and family.
After spending 4 years overseas, Ms Hargreaves was selected to work as a Curriculum Consultant at Midlands District Office in Northam. She spent 3 years assisting the Wheatbelt schools with reporting, early childhood education, whole school planning, pedagogical best practise, curriculum leaders, assessment and supporting graduates through facilitating and coordinating professional learning. During this time, she also lectured at Curtin University at Muresk in the areas of Literacy and assessment. Ms Hargreaves career then took her to Swan District Education Office, where she continued to support graduates’ teachers and schools in the areas of whole school planning and assessment practices. Her work with Graduate teachers led to a position at DOE Central Office to work in Workforce and Policy. Her role was to identify strategies to retain and attract graduate teachers, this involved recruiting teachers from Tasmania and overseas. She also implemented and deployed rural teaching program strategies to attract teachers to country postings. This led Ms Hargreaves to study a post graduate in HR and Business and take on a position in the mining sector running the Graduate Engineering Program at Worley Parsons.
A strong desire to be back working in a school led to a position at Bullsbrook DHS where she worked as a literacy co-ordinator, Deputy and coach for graduate teachers. The last 8 years she has worked as a Level 3 Principal at Cue and Cadoux PS and also as a Deputy at Subiaco PS, Seaforth PS, Beckenham Ps and Samson Ps taking on teaching roles as well as administrative in a school. This year she joined Coogee PS. Her other interests are fitness, travel, charity work and volunteering.