Our School


Coogee Primary School is located approximately 10 kilometres south of Fremantle, nestled in a tranquil environment with lush gardens and shade trees. The large pine tree is a signature of the extensive grounds, with three shaded playgrounds and a large oval for student and community use.

The school was officially recognised as a government school in 1894 when Mr. W. Allen built, at his own expense, a barn to accommodate the local students.

In 1993 the official opening of the new current school buildings occurred and the following year the school community celebrated its centenary.

Today the school strives to meet the educational needs of the students by providing a creative learning environment where people feel secure, happy and understood.  This goal is reflected in the school’s vision statement:

“Coogee School is an institution of learning designed to enable each child to attain the fullest possible level of development intellectually, socially, morally, aesthetically and vocationally.”

Our School

Our Latest News

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School Councillors

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Faction Captains

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Ride to School Day


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